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CHERRY® AEROSPACE CherryMAX® Blind Rivet, 3/16 in, 1.62 in L, 3/8 in, 0.08 in

Part # CR3553-6-05=29
CherryMAX® is a locked spindle blind rivet with a visibly inspectable mechanical locking device and its own installation washer, which eliminates the problems resulting from worn tool anvils. It is called a bulbed fastener due to its large blind side bearing surface, developed during the installation process. CherryMAX® rivets are used in thin sheet applications and for use in materials that may be damaged by other types of blind rivets. The CherryMAX® rivet is the most reliable, high strength structural fastener with visual inspectability in the world today. It features the Safe-lock locking collar for more reliable joint integrity and meets the requirements of PS-CMR-3000. CherryMAX® tooling provides the simplest, most trouble-free installation tooling system.

• A fully serrated stem with break notch, shear ring and integral grip adjustment cone
• A driving anvil to ensure a visible mechanical lock with each fastener installation
• A separate, visible and inspectable locking collar that mechanically locks the stem to the rivet sleeve
• A rivet sleeve with recess in the head to receive the locking collar
• A driving anvil is part of each CherryMAX® rivet assembly
• This driving anvil eliminates wear and replacement of expendable installation tool components, considerably extending the life of the installation tool, it also allows a single pulling head to install
• The CherryMAX® rivet features the Safe-lock locking collar which enhances joint integrity and reliability
• The Safe-lock locking collar is preformed on the stem during a sub-assembly operation, then deforms into the rivet sleeve head recess during installation, locking the rivet sleeve and stem together
• The Safe-lock locking collar is visible and inspectable after installation
• The Safe-lock locking collar installs flush with the rivet sleeve head
• The Safe-lock locking collar has been approved by several OEMs for use in engine inlets and components
• Lightweight, non-shifting installation tools require no adjusting
• Limited access capability with right angle and offset pulling heads and extensions for greater reach and split tools for special applications including automation and robotics
• Bulbed blind head provides a large bearing surface area on the blind side of the structure, giving dependable results, even when installed in difficult thin sheet stack-up applications

• Series: CR3553
• Rivet Diameter: 3/16 in
• Length: 1.62 in
• Head Diameter: 3/8 in
• Head Height: 0.08 in
• Hole Size: 0.205 to 0.209 in
• Shank Diameter: 0.201 in
• Shear Strength: 2525 lb
• Tensile Strength: 1000 lb
• Grip Range: 0.251 to 0.312 in
• Head Type: Universal
• Sleeve Material: Monel
• Stem Material: Corrosion-Resistant Steel
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Cage Code
Country of origin
United States 
Schedule B
Dimensions (L x W x H)
.2 x .2 x 1.75 IN
Total Shelf Life (days)
No Information
Hazmat Code
Package Weight
.02 LB
FAA Approval Code
8130-3 Eligible

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